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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Narrative therapy is a method of mental health therapy that separates a person from their challenges. This therapy helps people to rely on their internal skills and use emotional tools to lessen the troubles in life. The idea behind this is that our life is a long story and that we give our lives meaning through the little stories that exist within them — the vignettes that take place inside a person’s larger story.

By narrating our own life story and relying on non-blaming and non-pathological principles, we can begin to grow in new ways in our own lives we didn’t think were possible before — and all of this is possible through

Narrative Therapy Benefits For You

By focusing on the lived experiences and stories within a person’s life, narrative therapy separates an individual from their personal challenges and unhelpful stories or problems. Narrative therapy also helps people see that they can at any time re-navigate their story- there are unique outcomes for each individual. It shows that their story is always evolving and changing and that they’re the author of that story.

A trained narrative therapist helps people to be curious and explore different elements of their story, even their problematic stories. They help clients challenge themselves and see that they can change; that even in situations in which a person doesn’t have full control, the individual can still choose how they handle it and perceive it.

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